Welcome to my site! I am a fiercely interdependent rural community country gal living on 25+ acres of farm/wooded land in Northern Indiana.
I am also a health and wellness focused biohacker who is strictly a Carnivore/Ketovore (eating a mostly meat-based ketogenic diet with no wheat/grains, no processed foods, and very little non-reactive vegetables. If you would like to know more about this, check out my blog above (work in progress) and click on the Ketovore category. If you feel like you need more help understanding a Carnivore/Ketovore lifestyle and whether it could work well for you, feel free to consider reaching out to me for wellness coaching options via the Contact page! I am currently working on my Women’s Coaching Specialist Certification through Girls Gone Strong and have many years of self-experimenting, research, testing, training, and biohacking trial and error under my belt that have given me a pretty solid understanding of a proper human diet and sustainable lifestyle. More to come soon on coaching options will be posted on the site, but for now, please contact me for details.)
My mother and I recently inherited our farm land and are working to build up our small hobbyfarm/homestead here to become more self sufficient. We have not yet named the farm, but will probably go with the family name since my grandparents started this hobbyfarm back in the 60s.
Recently I have adopted a dozen Khaki Campbell and Golden 300 Layer female ducklings!
Check out my ducklings here!
They are very cute and I can’t wait until they start giving us fresh duck eggs on the farm.
The dogs have grown fond of scrambled eggs for breakfast and I’m looking forward to being able to eat the duck eggs since I developed a sensitivity to chicken eggs.
A friend of mine had some duck eggs I could try last year to confirm I don’t react to them, so now I’m excited to raise my duckling ladies and start having eggs.
I love strength training and mobility/flexibility exercises such as yoga and myofascial release stretching. I enjoy working with machines and/or resistance bands so that it’s safer solo, but I started out with adjustable dumbbells for a lot of my muscle building. Now I am in more of a maintenance mode trying to maintain strength/gain in ways that help my day to day living.
My creative outlets also include doing my own nails with gel polishes and dip powders and making my own nail art.

I am a Jill of all trades and do a lot of DIY at my home/on the homestead as well. This includes, but is not limited to, plumbing, electrical, construction, mowing/yardwork etc.